How do I mint my heladito?

You’ll need an Ethereum wallet with ETH on it. Connect it to our website. Then, just go to our Heladito Machine©, select your traits, click on Mint Now and wait for your heladito to get frozen and minted on-chain.

How do I customize my heladito?

You can customize your heladito by accessing the Heladito Machine©. There you can choose from a wide variety of traits to create a unique heladito.

Do I have limited time to create my heladito?

No. Take your time to decide which traits fit best to your personality, but remember, only 10,000 are available to claim.

Can I pick a random heladito?

Yes. Let the Heladito Machine© surprises you by clicking on the ‘random’ button. If you’re not convinced, you can still try until you find the one you love.

Where can I see my NFT after minting my heladito?

You can go to OpenSea, connect your wallet, and have access to your NFTs. Heladitos will also be shown there. Same applies to every other NFT app that gives you access to your NFTs based on your wallet address.

What do I get if I mint and join the heladito’s community?

1. You get a custom, creamy, soft and full of personality ice cream image, cryptographically attached to an ERC721 token (NFT) on the Ethereum blockchain. 2. TLDR; An ice cream image and an undeniable proof of ownership. 3. Access to our social community with chance to participate, share and grow with us.

How are you going to decide the donations to the 3 NGOs in case of selling all the Heladitos NFTs?

We created this project aiming to support the top social causes that Mexico struggles with, including dissappeared crisis, human rights or environmental defense. We as a team will bring the organizations and collectives candidates and then make a voting dymamic open to the community to pick the 3 NGOs.

I’ve heard NFT’s are a scam. Are you?

A scam is what a scammer does. We are a proven human beings sharing our real names, with a real passion and professional track about web3 space, tech, design, social, environmental and political causes. If you like our project mint your heladito and take part of the revolution.

Do you have Discord?

Not at the moment, but we might consider it if the community request this type of space. In the meantime, feel free to contact us by our twitter @heladitosnft.

More questions?

Feel free to approach us on Heladito’s twitter account @heladitosnft.


head accessories


Your Heladito


Ayotzinapa was a state crime. The governments of Mexico, together with the army, disappeared 43 students. To date the truth is unknown. We demand...

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Your Heladito


The police and the army are tools of control and terror: they rape, kill and disappear. All cops are bastards.

Your Heladito


What would happen if we thought of ourselves outside the State?

Your Heladito

Baby rebozo

During the Mexican revolution in the early 20th Century, rebel women used rebozos to carry babies, as well as for smuggling weapons past checkpoints....

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Your Heladito

Ban weapons

we are against any type of weapon and destruction. We sow life.

Your Heladito


For all cyclists who use public space and demand better infrastructure and zero corruption to exercise our right to mobility.

Your Heladito

Billboard buy BTC, ETH, NFTs

Buy, is not only an action, but a statement.

Your Heladito

Birthday Cake

Happy birthday wishes you NFT ice creams!

Your Heladito


Bisexual people are real, valid, and shouldn't prove their sexuality to anyone.

Your Heladito


Black Live Matters.

Your Heladito


A cacerolazo is a form of protest in which the demonstrators make their discontent known through accompanied noise, strongly hitting saucepans, pots...

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Your Heladito


A free press is essential for democracies. We demand justice for all the journalists and communication specialists who have been murdered.

Your Heladito


We love kittens, even though a member of NFT ice cream is allergic.

Your Heladito


We are inspired by the magic of ice cream

Your Heladito

Cereal bowl

We are inspired by the magic of ice creams, mixing ideas, art, flavours and juman rights, to create new products.

Your Heladito


Coffee lover? This is for you. Start the day with a cup of motivation.

Your Heladito

Decolonize web3

Tired of the global north and its policies, let's decolonize the web3.

Your Heladito

Drum Set

Music is part of this project and it has inspired us to design the ice creams.

Your Heladito

Electric guitar

Although guitars have a long history, they had fallen behind the times in a way-especially in terms of volume-as many other instruments had been...

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Your Heladito

Electric teaser

Sometimes we have nothing left but self-defense.

Your Heladito

Electronic piano

Dedicated to people who love muscial notes and compose to create new melodies that catch our hearts.

Your Heladito

Feminist Flag

We are not white or hegemonic feminists. We are a latin american feminist project, working from our territories of the global south, inclusive and...

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Your Heladito


Despite everything, be happy and celebrate (us).

Your Heladito


We celebrate love in all its forms. Be kind, live, let live, and love.

Your Heladito

Green tea

Green tea lover? This one is for you!

Your Heladito


Climate justice for the global south. Outside extractivist projects of the global north.

Your Heladito

Guide dog

We commemorate the puppies that are there to support people who are blind. Let's keep claiming respect and kindness to these pooches and their...

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Your Heladito

iMac Solidity

To commemorate the revolutionary programming language that supports the internet of value and ultra sound money: Ethereum.

Your Heladito

Juarez pink cross

Feminicide is the systematic gender-motivated murder of women. Thousands of missing women from this area are also believed to be victims of this...

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Your Heladito


Fan of their designs? This is a homage to the iconic product that represents a philosophical revolution in tech.

Your Heladito

Magic hat

The illusion of childhood and magic

Your Heladito


Let's raise our voice and public spaces in favor of justice!

Your Heladito


It is a homemade incendiary bomb whose purpose, more than the lack of explosion, is the expansion of the flammable liquids it contains. Molotov...

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Your Heladito

My body, my choice

My body is mine, I decide, I have autonomy, I am mine! one of the slogans of the feminist marches that are heard and we say strongly in Mexico.

Your Heladito

NES Control

Who started playing video games with this controller?

Your Heladito

No war

We position ourselves against any war that dispossesses our bodies and territories.

Your Heladito

Obedecer y no mandar

A Zapatista's principle: Obey and do not command.

Your Heladito

Paint Palette

NFT ice creams as web3, decentralized, distributed and ledger art.

Your Heladito

Paint Spray green

Art in the streets to question the concentration of power and status quo.

Your Heladito


We love pizza. Do you like it with pineapple or without pineapple? That's the question.

Your Heladito

Press vest

An instrument that the press should not use, but unfortunately it is necessary to carry out its work so that society has information on what is...

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Your Heladito

Progress pride flag

Designed in 2018 by Graphic designer Daniel Quasar, Quasar added five colors to the classic Rainbow Flag to place a greater emphasis on “inclusion...

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Your Heladito


Our support to the companions of Pussy Riot. Fuck Putin!

Your Heladito

Red Balloon

Representing childhoods, this red balloon is inspired by our youngest member, whose ideas float and inspire us.

Your Heladito

School sign

Heladitos NFT is also focused on children and their rights. Never forget the new generations that they will iherit our world. Protect them, guide...

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Your Heladito


Science and ancestral knowledge is important for our peoples and communities. Always practice it.

Your Heladito

Shovel and spout

In Mexico we have a serious crisis of missing persons. The mothers look for their daughters and sons, with their own resources they buy the shovels...

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Your Heladito


A sport that is practiced with this skateboard, doing pirouettes and skill tests on ramps and on tube or U-shaped tracks, or disputing free descent...

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Your Heladito

Smoke flare

Traditional pyrotechnic distress flares are an internationally recognised signal which can be used to indicate that you are in distress and need...

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Your Heladito


Let's never stop demonstrating for our rights. Always to the left and down, always raising the voice to the powerful, to claim for justice!

Your Heladito


The tianguis are part of our Abya Yala culture. Here is a very traditional poster that is used in the street markets of our cities to publicize the...

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Your Heladito


This project is trans inclusive and we seek to eradicate any hate speech. We are with trans people.

Your Heladito


We are against all kinds of ecocides that deprive life. So plant trees, plant life and try to give back to our mother nature, alone or in company.

Your Heladito

Video cam

This accessory is dedicated to all the people who are dedicated to communication and journalism.

Your Heladito


The fact that we vote does not mean that we cannot protest. In any democracy there is dissent and that is fine.

Your Heladito


We are in favor of the legalization of marijuana. Less stigmas, more education and freedom of recreation.

Your Heladito


People in wheelchairs have the right to mobility and States must guarantee it. If you know someone and they need help, be an ally.

Your Heladito

Wooden broom

In the 15th-18th centuries, thousands of women accused of witchcraft were tortured, sexually abused, and burned at the stake by the Catholic Church....

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Your Heladito

Zapatista Flag

The Zapatista flag represents the struggle for human rights and autonomy in Mexico. It symbolizes the indigenous communities' resistance against...

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